Secure Payment
(Indian Customer Only)
(Step 1 of 3)
Fill Your Details
Please fill in your details to proceed next
How This Works:
- Scan the barcode to Pay via Google Pay / PayTM / Phone Pay / Amazon Pay or ICICI Mobile Pay and make the payment using your mobile app.
- Once you are done with payment using the mobile app, fill out this form by entering your name, email, and mobile phone number and transaction number/id (which you received after payment using the mobile app.)
- Choose your batch and submit the form.
- Our team will then get in touch with you and organise the date for your first class.
- Please make sure you have checked class times against your time-zone.
- If you have any questions before making the payment, please contact us using Whatsapp (preferred), Phone or Email.
- Start your Bollywood dancing journey with Delhi Dance Academy ?