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The advantages of Dancing

Probably one of the most complete rhythmic exercises with a unique characteristic of amplifying mind-body co-ordination, dance is a perfect way of staying fit and in shape. With its history dating back to the very advent of human civilisation, dance was and is a great way of exuding happiness, fun, pleasure and entertainment.

Scholars of dance have studied the various advantages of this physical art and have concluded that dancing is in no way less than any other form of exercises to keep fit and healthy. With full body movements, each limb retains its mobility and thus delays aging and its effects. In fact with dance focused on specific body areas, muscles can be toned or augmented. The many folklore doing rounds talk about dance at great length. As per them dance was a devotional, recreational as well as a sensual practice. Marvellous Carvings and sculptures on temples of South India, Khujraho and Ajanta Caves further substantiate this.

Dance has the power of rejuvenating and thrilling the body. The vigorous movements initially might challenge your bodies’ limits, however if persisted with, can leave the body fit and lissom. Dance enhances mind-body co-ordination and is a great way of training your body to listen and execute super fast commands of your brain. We all know that enhanced mind-body coordination develops our reflexes, which help us avoid many injuries in day to day life.

The advantages of dancing can be listed as follows:


Flexible and supple muscles go a long way in keeping us fit. Regular dancing enables muscles to flex and straighten, helping them gain agility. The schedule of dancing at Delhi Dance Academy always has a stretching regime that warms up the muscles and acquaints the body with the movements to come. With varied kind of dances, different muscles get used and gain flexibility. With improved flexibility, ailments like back ache; cramps, muscle contractions and body?s rigidness are avoided with ease. A general sense of being well and fit prevails with dancing.


Scientists have defined strength as the measure of a muscle ability to exert its force against external or internal resistance. The rigorous and momentous jerks and jives strengthen one’s muscles against a dancer’s own body weight. Again with its diversity and variations in many of the dance forms, different muscles bulk up and build on their strength. Imagine the strength of a male ballroom dancer’s leg and shoulder muscles which he develops by lifting his partner above his head. Dance forms like ballet and jazz contemporary include lot of jumping and are taught at DDA. Heaping requires a lot of strength in leg muscles. Regular practice definitely increases the strength and gives shape to the body.

Endurance and stamina

Endurance is the capacity of muscles to keep working hard for a longer time without fatigue. Dance with its fast and rigorous movements elevates heart beats, which in turn improves stamina. Many people take up dance, not for entertainment or professional reasons but for increasing their stamina.

Sharpening of brain

One has to remember steps to be executed after one another and control different unexpected situations that may arise in the course of dancing.  This improves learning, teaches the dancer how to react in sudden, unforeseen events like someone tripping during a stage performance or the music stopping and then restarting. All this is brain training and improves brain recall.

Sense of well being

Not only does dancing release good hormones but the platform also brings you face to face with different people increasing your social interaction and experience. It helps in boosting your self confidence and building social skills.

Success in life

Dance with all its benefits, as discussed above, has become a great way to intoxicate one’s body. People are increasingly taking up dance as a form of exercise than a mere means of entertainment. Progressive gym instructors are using dance as a form of exercise to help their trainees gain muscle mass or shed those extra kilos. Dance fitness workouts like Aerobics and Zumba are great examples of how rhythmic and well planned dance moves can help in burning calories. Delhi Dance Academy is at the forefront of providing fitness training to people in Delhi who care about being fit and understand the advantages dance brings.

As the times have evolved, so has dance. Dance exists today as a form of art, as a medium of expression and non verbal communication, and as an exercise regime.

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